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UNI EN ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is a voluntary international standard applicable to all types of businesses and which defines how to develop an effective environmental management system.
ISO 14001 certification issued by an independent accredited body demonstrates a company’s clear commitment to minimizing the environmental impact of its processes, products and services, and testifies to the reliability of its environmental management system. The standard requires the company to define its environmental objectives and targets and implement an environmental management system that allows them to be achieved.

OHSAS 18001 - ISO 45001

OHSAS 18001 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) certification defines the requirements for occupational health and safety management systems. The standard was developed by a group of entities consisting of the main trade associations, international standards bodies and certification bodies, and for a long time has compensated for the lack of an international standard that can be certified by an independent third-party. The High Structure level (HSL) of the recently published ISO 45001 now allows for safety requirements to be aligned with those of other international standards, and places a greater focus on the worker. The management system is assessed on different levels, and the degree of applicability of the standard depends on the occupational health and safety policy of the company, the nature of the activities performed and the conditions in which it operates, which are periodically evaluated based on an analysis of the risks and opportunities.


Certificates HES



Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Sistema di gestione ambientale

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Sistema di gestione salute e sicurezza

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Sistemi di gestione dell’energia

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Czech Republic


