Certificate of Conformity for Cement Products
In Italy, one of the approved Notified Bodies for rating the conformity of cements is ITC (Institute for Building Technologies).
In its web site www.itc.cnr.it you may freely consult an index containing the essential data of certificates of conformity of many cement types produced in Italy as well as abroad.
Moreover, the new standard status also required the introduction of EC marking.
EC marking states that cement complies with a harmonized European standard (i.e. EN 197-1 standard) and allows the works in which it has been used, if suitably designed and built, to meet the basic requirements fixed by the 89/106/EC Directive.
A EC marked cement which is inspected by a qualified Notified Body can be used in all EU countries without need to further inspections (principle of free movement of goods).
After cement, EC marking has become compulsory for many other building materials too.