Elementi Navigazione

07 August 2017

Antitrust sanction imposed on the Italian cement industry

Today the Italian Antitrust Authority (Authority) has informed about its final decision (Decision) relating to the proceedings initiated against Buzzi Unicem and other companies operating in the cement market and concerning the existence of alleged competition restrictive practices.

The Authority claimed that Buzzi Unicem has participated in an agreement concerning the alleged co-ordination of manufacturers regarding simultaneous price increases as well as an exchange of information within the industry association AITEC and, in general, the adoption of a conduct aimed at maintaining the stability of market shares.

This conduct was considered to be a very serious breach of the competition law to which Buzzi Unicem would have participated from 1 June 2011 to 1 January 2016 and, consequently, the Authority has imposed Buzzi Unicem a fine of 59,793 thousands of euro.

Buzzi Unicem believes that the Authority's alleged charges are unfounded both in fact and in law and is firmly convinced that it has acted in full compliance with antitrust legislation, which represents an essential priority for the group. Consequently we intend to challenge the decision in the competent courts, to prove the complete absence of any anti-competitive profile alleged against us.

Company contacts:
Investor Relations Assistant
Ileana Colla
Phone: +39 0142 416 404
Email: icolla@buzziunicem.it