Elementi Navigazione

03 May 2013

Dyckerhoff group sales decreased in the first quarter of 2013 as a result of weather conditions

We report hereunder the ad-hoc-release issued today by the subsidiary Dyckerhoff AG, according to Article 15 Securities Trading Act (WpHG).

Key figures of the Dyckerhoff Group:

(million of euro)       Jan - Mar
      Jan - Mar
Group sales       256       289       -33
thereof division
Germany/Western Europe
      124       154       -30
thereof division
Eastern Europe
      92       95       -3
thereof division
      40       40       -
EBITDA       -9       0       -9
EBIT       -40       -33       -7
Result before income taxes       -46       -45       -1
Net profit (loss)       -35       -32       -3

In the first quarter 2013 the harsh winter led to significant volume declines. Exceptions were Russia and the USA: in the USA volume remained almost stable, and in Russia volume increased in the first quarter 2013. Group sales declined by 11%.

Group EBITDA decreased by a total of EUR 9 million. This includes negative one-time effects of EUR 2 million. The remaining decrease of EUR 7 million mainly resulted from weather conditions. Depreciation and amortization declined by EUR 2 million, therefore, EBIT decreased by EUR 7 million. Net investment income and net interest improved. There was no change in other financial results. The result before income taxes therefore only fell by EUR 1 million. The result after income taxes was EUR -35 million.

For fiscal year 2013, Dyckerhoff expects Group sales and EBITDA to remain at a similar level to 2012. This is based on the assumption that the weather-related volume decreases of the first quarter can be caught up. Results before and after taxes will show a positive development as a result of the nonrecurrence of the extraordinary write-downs of 2012.

The complete Interim Report will be released on May 3, 2013 at noon.

Company contacts:
Investor Relations Assistant
Mariangiola Fiore
Phone +39 0142 416 404
Email  mfiore@buzziunicem.it